Chapter Forty-Two

Bella was stunned to hear Grey shouting at the guards, he usually ignored most times even when they were being annoying.

He was shouting so loud that Casey and Anna sitting on her bed could hear.

"Oh my God" Casey said sitting up. "Is that Mr Grey's voice?"

Anna nodded slowly, before the both of them turned towards Bella to wait for an explanation of some sort.

"I guess he's just in a bad mood" she smiled weakly before turning towards the door. At least the yelling had ended.

She knew deep down in the back of her mind that something had to have gone horribly wrong with their meeting.

"Umm- do you think we should leave?" Casey asked in a scared voice, and Bella couldn't blame her. She used to be always on edge when she worked with him too, especially on the days he came to work with a bad temper. Of course because he took it out on everyone.