Chapter 3 : pawns and rubbish

In the classroom, a harmonious blend of ancient charm and modern functionality prevails. Mahogany desks, polished to a gleaming sheen, stand proudly in neat rows, each bearing the weight of history upon its sturdy frame. Parchment scrolls and quill pens lie in orderly fashion atop the desks, relics of a bygone era.

Twenty-nine students, clad in somber robes of grey and black, occupy the room with a quiet dignity befitting their scholarly pursuits. Their attire, adorned with subtle yet intricate designs, pays homage to the traditions of their forebears.

At the head of the classroom, the teacher commands attention, a figure of wisdom and authority draped in robes steeped in tradition.

" today we are going practice how to refine a low grade artifact. Don't worry it's not dangerous and I will be here to guide you all the way " the teacher announced while half of the class fell into despair.

" teacher we will do our best " Micah bowed his head in respect while the man let out a prideful laugh, but he suddenly became solem as he's eye traveled to the back of of the class, where a student with white hair was sleeping soundly without any regard of his presence. And the worst thing was... He couldn't do anything about it .


Two week ago an earth shattering truth was revealed.

Zamiel had a X grade talent, everyone was shocked especially people from the stone family, Ziven even went as far as to investigate, claiming there was an error somewhere.

But he got nothing, Davian was torn as he watched Zamiel drag the star struck serene away, like he wasn't the one who awakend such talent.

After that, in just two weeks, Zamiel became the center of attention. The glory of the clan, the news had spread like wildfire, reaching the depths pinnacles, after all there was only six X grade talent that has ever walked the world.

In the end, Zamiel was not surprised at how fickle humans were, but he was actually very disheartened as the gate of souls awakend and started to nurture his entire root almost immediately, slowly draining him dry.

" at this rate, I really might die! " he groaned internally, completely ignoring the teacher. There wasn't really anything that would come out of the old geezer's mouth that he didn't know, and he would occasionally here him mixing words that wasn't supposed to be there but he didn't intend to correct anything.

For the past two weeks he had been consuming eterna crystals non stop, trying to sustain his life but it was no use, it was simply too little for his problem.

There were three major ways to cultivate in this life. First, absorbing eterna crystals. Eterna crystals are rare and precious gemstone that were naturally formed deep within the earth's crust, imbued with the raw essence of vital energy. It radiates a soft, iridescent glow, with shifting hues of blue, green, and violet dancing within its crystalline structure. As a power source for cultivation, the eterna crystals is unmatched in its ability to amplify and refine the spiritual energy of cultivators. When held or meditated upon, it resonates with the individual's inner essence, harmonizing their vital energy and enhancing their cultivation techniques, a crystal can only be used onve before turning to dust. In addition to its role as a catalyst for cultivation, the eterna crystals also serves as a universal currency, accepted worldwide among cultivators and non-cultivators alike. Its value is recognized for its rarity and potency, making it highly sought after in trading and commerce.Throughout history, eterna crystals has been used as a medium of exchange for goods, services, and rare artifacts related to cultivation. Its mystical properties make it a symbol of wealth, power, and prestige, coveted by all who seek to unlock its secrets and harness its boundless energy.

The second, absorbing vital energy straight from the source ( the world itself ). This method can be highly pollutant and corrupt, usually destroying ones cultivational root. ( Prohibited among all cultivators on less in a dire situation)

The third, refining artifacts that has extreme condensed vital energy. Only people with enough talent and experience can pull this off.


As if it wasn't enough to drive Zamiel towards the edge. The elders from the council had all come looking for him. One after another, Secretly trying to recruit him into their individual faction.

It even got to the point we're he couldn't stay in his own ' home ' anymore for it was swarmed with old snakes and foxes each trying to get a bite of him.

And to top it all, he had been getting numerous invitations from famous schools around the imperial city, and some were a bit forced while others even had eterna crystals as a form of bribery. Although it didn't get Zamiel's interest in the slightest, but he was curious of how far they were willing to go.


The class ended with almost everyone exhausted while the teacher and some were happy. Among the happy people were Arkin as he could easily refine the low grade artifact without any problem mean while Reul couldn't even concentrate on drawing the energy talk less of refining it, further adding to Arkins joy.

Micah failed in the first three trys but eventually got the hang of it where as Kasia was also struggling on concentration. The rest of the class along with Vella and Theron failed miserably while Zamiel was still somehow still sound asleep.

" don't worry Kasia, I will teach you how to refine it " Arkin said after the teacher left, satisfied. He patted her back in a consoling manner, while Slight irritation and jealousy slowly rised within Reul as he watched from a corner with a black face.

Vella and Theron as if on queue also joined the two, trying their best to console her. After finding out kasia's aptitude, the whole village treated her as if she was a fragile glass that could brake in one hit, flattery and praises were poured down at her feet like royalty which made her feel, slightly disgusted but she still plastered a fake smile, nodding and thanking people.

" big brother is absolutely right. ever since young, brother had many talents and a lot of teachers, so he definitely knows more that we do " Theron added, while Arkin's chest swelled with pride from the praise's

" big sister let's eat together " Vella clung to her hand as if they were close, blinking her big watery eyes in a cute way.

" of course, and Micah should come too " Kasia turned her head to Micah with pleading eyes as he was preparing to leave. She decided to at least have someone she knew by her side for the time been. This stone family sure was overbearing at times and she didn't want to seem rude.

" hmm, sounds fun I guess " he answered leaving the three siblings in a blank state before their face slowly turned turned sour.

Hiding his annoyance With an awkward laugh, Arkin asked" um.. wouldn't brother Micah be too busy to follow us ? " he hinted but Micah acted oblivious to it .

" not really, I used to eat with her all the time so it won't be a bother if i tagged along" Micah said with a flat tone as he stood up and took kasia's hand. He had know her for 12 years of his life, how couldn't he understand her meaning. She needed backup.

Kasia smiled but it was instantly gone as she noticed the white haired boy stir from his sleep. He slowly blinked his eyes then got up and left, walking in his own pace, with his eyes half closed, looking uninterested as he passed a group of girls who were pointing at him and giggling.

" he's so beautiful "

" I wish I can talk to him "

" yeah me too, actually did you know that the elders had to almost kneel and beg him to attend the academy "

" he's too daring "

" who wouldn't be if they had an X-grade altitude " they continued gossiping while other made provocative stances, aiming to draw his attention

Arkin seemed to notice her lingering gaze on Zamiel and immediately frowned, he stood up and rather forcefully led the group to eat, while Reul left the academy hellbent on setting stronger.


A young white-haired youth sat on the mountain edge, staring down at the village with empty eyes. Below, the hustle and bustle of the village unfolded like a play on a stage, but to him, it was a grim spectacle of manipulation and betrayal.

People scurried about like ants, unaware that they were mere pawns in the games of the powerful. Their dreams and aspirations crushed under the weight of others' ambitions, their hopes discarded like rubbish in the wake of selfish agendas.

In the grand scheme of things, humanity was but a collection of disposable pieces, used and discarded at the whim of those in power. And as the youth gazed upon the scene below, he couldn't help but feel a deep senses of disdain for a world where people were nothing more than tools to be exploited and discarded.

" either be pawns or rubbish " Zamiel laughed " the human mind is thoroughly the scariest thing ever "

He stood up and strolled in the mountain. wondering about, weighing his pro and cons before a deathly Aura shrouded him