Chapter 23 : Eva's Explosion


As I caught up with an old acquaintance of mine from my days at Yale Business School, I saw Lily and Eva talking. At first, I didn’t think anything of it, but then I grew concerned.

Lily’s face turned the color of schoolboard chalk. She eyed frantically for me over Eva’s head. As hard as I tried, my old buddy, Frank, would not take a hint. He brought up story after story from college, most containing excessive amounts of alcohol.

I had spent the past week and a half by Eva’s side, more or less. Her surgery and recovery threw me for a loop. All through Eva’s younger days, she had been blessed with perfect health, not even a broken arm or sprained ankle. The worst illnesses she faced were chicken pox and a bout of mono in high school.

When we arrived back in New York from Belize, she’d done a quick stint at Mount Sinai, followed by checkups at the penthouse with our primary care physician, who said she was finally cleared to return to her regular routine.