Chapter 1: Mysterious Stranger

“We might have to say goodbye to virgin Ellie after tonight.” Mal laughed.

I didn’t contemplate murder often but I would make an exception for my friends. I had made it very clear to both Mal and Aiden that I wanted to finish my class registration tonight.

It was well known across Edenbrook Academy that classes fill up quickly and if you wanted to have a chance at getting the ones you wanted, it was best to register as soon as it was your appointed time.

However, Mal insisted, “You still have a whole week for that, but the Back to School Happy Hour at Neon Dreams is only once every summer! Also, once the semester starts, it’s almost impossible to get you to come out with me again.”

As a result, here I was, at the most popular nightclub near our school, throwing my arms up in the air and swaying my hips with my best friend.

Well, there was no point staying pissed off. Mal was right, once the semester started, I would have to focus on my studies. While I preferred to get all my classes registered ASAP, it wasn’t like I would miss the registration deadline. Since I was already here, I might as well have fun.

After a few drinks, I couldn’t suppress a chuckle when my best friend started to flail her arms in time with the base-heavy music and winked one of her chocolate-brown eyes at me. Another couple of hours had passed and I started to really feel the alcohol.

Everything was hilarious and I was sure that my cheeks were bright pink.

Mal gave me a sidelong look and nudged me with her elbow when we went to the bar to pick up another drink. “Really, that guy has been checking you out since we got here.”

I rolled my eyes but giggled, “Yeah right!”

“I’m not lying!”

“Where is this guy then?”

She just laughed and tightened her hold on me. I didn’t realize why until the room started bouncing up and down. Obviously, I had been jumping. “There, the one in black, on the edge of the dance floor.”

I followed her gaze, finally spotting a tall man with a lean figure right where Mal had described. And instantly, my heart skipped a beat.

He wore a slim-fitting suit and the jacket hugged his muscles perfectly. The alcohol was messing with my senses so I couldn’t really make out his features too clearly, but just a simple glance, I could already tell he had an extremely attractive body.

Then he lifted his arm to drink.

How in the hell could someone use such a simple movement to make himself look like a sexy divine?

I swallowed as a rush of heat coursed through my body.

Mal obviously saw my reaction. “Right? He’s so hot! Just look at his arms, and those pecs—”

Mal was almost drooling and I had to agree with her.

“What are you guys talking about?” An enthusiastic male voice joined our conversation. I raised both eyebrows at my other good friend Aiden, who was grinning boyishly at us, his bright blue eyes lighting up even further.

Like Mal and I, Aiden was also an Edenbrook Academy student. The only difference was that the two of them could easily afford the expensive tuition while I was on a full-ride scholarship.

“A super hot guy has been checking Ellie out.” Mal laughed, way more excited than I was. “The one in black.”

“Where?” Aiden looked over to where we were glancing. “I don’t see a guy in black over there.”

I robbed my hazy gaze. The man had vanished.

For no reason at all, I was a bit disappointed. I scoffed at myself. Seriously, Ellie. Just how desperate were you to get laid?

I half-jokingly complained, “Mal, too bad. See, it’s not like I didn’t want to try. I just don’t think he’s as interested in me as you think.”

“Shut up. You have no idea how gorgeous you are. There have been six other guys checking you out tonight!”

“What?!” I choked on my drink, amazed that Mal was even keeping a count for me.

She shrugged. “But they’re not good enough for you, so I didn’t bother saying anything. This guy though,” she winked at me with a sly smile, “girl, you’ll regret it if you let him pass.”

Aiden looked at Mal and frowned. “You shouldn’t hook her up with someone when she’s like this.”

This was strange since Aiden wasn’t usually so… rational. Mal seemed to think so too. She gave Aiden an odd look.

“C’mon Aiden. You shouldn’t interfere if Ellie wants to have a little fun tonight! Don’t think we didn’t see you grounding your ass with that thin blonde just now. Ellie, I saw him go that way. At least get his number,” Mal encouraged as she pointed toward a corner of the club.

Aiden wanted to say something, but Mal grabbed Aiden’s arm, pulling him away. “Aiden, we’re all adults. Leave her alone for now. Besides, you still owe me a dance!”

“Have fun dancing!” I giggled and waved after them, watching them disappear into the crowd.

I took a sip of my drink and was happy to let my feet take a break from the dance floor. Then Mal’s words played in my head.

I couldn’t help but look toward the corner that Mal pointed out, and she was right, the man was there, hidden in the shadows. He was just a tall, delicious-looking shape.

I didn’t know why, all he did was stand there, casually leaning on the wall, but through the loud music, I heard my heart start to speed up and heat started to climb up my face.

I tried to focus on my drink and ignore him. I also forced myself to shift my gaze away to avoid eye contact. However, the more I tried not to look his way again, the harder it got. Finally, I couldn’t resist the temptation and took another glance.

He was still there and my breath caught at my throat.

This time, he moved a little and a few flashes of lights landed on him, and it was very clear that he was looking at me.

My face started to burn and questions spun in my head. Who was he? Also a student at Edenbrook? Had he really been watching me the entire night? If so, why didn’t he just walk over and speak to me?

Fuck it! I chugged the rest of my drink and made my way toward him with my head held high. I was done playing the game.

I stared at him as I walked. He didn’t move, as if he had been waiting for me. Although I couldn’t see for sure, I could almost sense that he had a smirk on his face.

Once I stepped into the shadows, suddenly, the colorful disco lights all faded into the background and it was as if we were the only ones in the room.

It was very dark and I couldn’t see his face very well, but I saw his eyes.

They were pretty bright green with golden flecks. I got lost in them like I was wandering through a forest speckled with sunlight. The intensity of his gaze on me pulled me in even more.

I heard my heart pound even louder.

“So, you’ve been watching me have you?” I swallowed hard, trying to make my tune sound calm and careless.

The stranger didn’t answer for a moment, his intense green eyes watching me as I stumbled slightly toward him.

“Yes,” he finally admitted as he leaned down to my ear, almost whispering. Just a single word, I already was craving for him to speak more. However, what he said next slightly annoyed me.

“I’m surprised that it took you so long to come over.”

Just how cocky was this man? How was he so confident that I definitely would want to meet him? If Mal didn’t lie to me, he was the one who had been checking ME out the whole night!

But, gosh, his voice … his voice was so deep and rich, like the melody of a cello or the most luscious wine. I shook off the goosebumps and regained my cool. As irresistible as his voice was, I still couldn’t help but snap back, “If you are interested in me, I would hope that you’re the one to take the initiative, not me. Yet, here I am. I thought you would appreciate it.”

I walked right up to him, trying to look into his face but the room was spinning a little too much and the corner was far too dark.

After a short pause, the man chuckled, “I suppose you’re right.”

And I swore I could swoon. Perhaps I did drink too much tonight.

His voice was much deeper than Aiden’s, and even after only hearing him speak a couple of lines, I had to admit what Mal said was right—I would totally regret it had I not spoken to him.

Then a firm hand found my chin. He leaned in close and I could smell the alcohol on his breath mixed with his intoxicating cologne. Hell, he smelled delicious!

I shivered with delight. I wasn’t afraid. Maybe it was partially the alcohol, but he didn’t seem malicious in the slightest.

“Then I guess we should get to know each other better,” he whispered into my ear, and my knees weakened just like that. Every cell of mine screamed danger, but I couldn’t help as the alert was soon replaced by excitement.

Before I could say anything more, his lips found mine.