Chapter 14: Are You Ready?


“Why am I letting you drag me here?” I asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

Mal was gripping my wrist tightly as she walked me up the steps to the club that she had chosen for the night. Moonlit Mirage sounded like a harmless enough name. I would have thought so if it wasn’t for the forms that I had read just an hour earlier.

“I told you why. You’re going to have fun and you are going to make money. All you need to do is step out of your comfort zone a bit,” she answered calmly.

I shook my head and flinched up at the plain black door in front of us. There was an intimidating man standing there with a clipboard. There was also a line of scantily dressed men and women.

“I don’t remember ever agreeing to step out of my comfort zone.”

“Then tell me what’s your plan on making five grand in two weeks?”

“I have my scholarship,” I argued.