Chapter 19: Have We Been Robbed?


“So, are you going to audition?” Mal asked as she, Aiden, and I walked back to our room.

I grimaced. It had been a few days since Professor Bennett called me into his office to suggest that I audition for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I was giving it a lot of thought when I wasn’t studying or in class.

“I don’t know,” I told my friends.

I wanted to do it, not just because I knew that it would be beneficial for me later on, but I couldn’t help but imagine the look on Professor Bennett’s normally stoic face if I managed to land a part.

He was so difficult to read. Was he doing this truly just because he thought I was talented? Or, was there another reason entirely? Maybe he knew that it was me he had sex with at Moonlit Mirage and he felt like he owed me, or something. Perhaps he was hoping that if he was extra nice to me I wouldn’t tell anyone about our night together.