Chapter 28: His Confession

The sun was setting and the street lights were just turned on. I aimlessly wandered around the empty campus while my brain tried to digest what had just occurred at Professor Bennett’s office.

The happiness and excitement of getting the part at Riverstone could no longer cheer me up.

The kiss must have been replayed in my head a hundred times now.

His dangerous warning should have scared me, but it didn't. The sensation of his fire-like lips was still setting my body on fire every time I replayed the kiss because now that I had some time to calm myself, I was more than certain about what I saw in his eyes.

Burning desire. Suppressed burning desire.

However, I also remember how fast his attitude changed.

I thought I had been getting to know him better. I thought maybe I was a little more special than just a student to him, but I was wrong.