Chapter 39: I Promise


I tried to remain calm, reminding myself that we were in a public place and that Penny couldn’t really do anything to me inside of a theater.

Still, I didn’t like the look on her face. She was grinning as if she had me trapped. “What do you want, Penny?”

I should have known that she would confront me at some point during this trip. She had been surprisingly scarce since we arrived the day before. She hadn’t even bothered to glare heatedly at me, which was unlike her.

She laughed, a high peeling laugh. “It’s cute that you think I would want, or need anything from the likes of you.”

I tightened my jaw but forced myself to smile pleasantly. “That’s great to hear,” I said, starting to move past her. “Then, if you don’t mind, I’m going to head back to the tour.”