Chapter 35: A Long-Haired Vixen


After getting home, I spent the rest of the night in bed, replaying the session with number twenty-nine.

I hardly slept, because my whole body was still on fire. Each nerve was warm and alive. I barely closed my eyes, but I felt more energized than ever.

I had been going to Moonlit Mirage for years, but nothing compared to what I had with that tiny woman.

She responded to me so beautifully, with her delectable moans and her lithe, squirming body. She was made for me. Ever since our very first time, there was no doubt that she was a perfect partner for me.

I dug my hand into the comforter as I stared up at my dark ceiling. I imagined the soft material to be the young woman’s long soft hair, completely captured in my hand. She liked it. I could tell from the way her arousal ran down her leg. She liked it even when I was rough with her.

She really was perfect. Perfect for me.