My shock at seeing Ellie’s face was quickly replaced with anger. I could feel my fingers tightening on the photo. “Why do you have a picture of one of my students?” I asked flatly. I could hear the rage in my voice, lined with growing suspicion.
My mind raced as I tried to figure out what this could mean. I watched my father’s carefully placed mask, searching for any hint of emotion. I thought I detected a hint of anger in his angular jaw and just a tiny bit of disappointment in his hazel eyes.
Father leaned forward, his jaw tightening further. “Listen, Samuel. I didn’t call you here to accuse you or to try and counsel you on how you choose to spend your personal time. However, I feel I shouldn’t have to inform you that having a relationship with your student would reflect badly on your reputation.”
I felt my blood simmering dangerously to the point of boiling over. I kept my voice steady, controlling my anger as best I could. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”