Chapter 13 : There's No Place Like Home

Lena’s POV

As the clock struck noon, Cal and I stepped off the train at King's Cross Station. Returning to London after a whirlwind of an engagement announcement was both exciting and nerve wracking.

Our kiss had made the news and we were praised as everyone seemed even more convinced of our relationship than ever. Cal was right, his father did eventually call,and he was not pleased that the news leaked.

He was demanding to know how it got out, but neither of us knew anything. When we couldn’t respond, Cal’s father sighed and, in political fashion, noted that it at least allowed the perfect opportunity to hold another press conference to address the engagement and our planned trip to London.

Only, he ended that with the demand that we return to America as soon as possible. I ignored the frustration building in me. I was eager to get back to normal life, though I knew that was wishful thinking now.