Chapter 35 : Dark Magic


The clattering sound outside of the tent repeated and goosebumps spread over my arms. Whoever was making that sound was trying to draw us out. The clatter was distinct. It was the sound of bones banging together.

I had heard the sound a hundred times before. I didn’t throw bones myself, but plenty of witches do. This was different, though. There was a rhythm to it that was somehow familiar.

My eyes went wide as I recognized it. It was a sound that I had heard every year in my home village.

“What is that?” Onyx asked quietly.

“Antlers,” I replied. He looked at me in confusion. “During mating season, deer fight for territory,” I explained. “Hunters will sometimes clatter two antlers together to mimic the sound of deer fighting in the hopes of drawing out a big buck by making it think that its area is being fought over by other bucks.”

“You think someone is out there trying to deer hunt?” he asked skeptically.