Chapter 14 : Recovery Day


Cold icy hands. Rotting breath fanning across my skin.

“Look at this golden pussy. Oh, how I have missed you, Dovie.”

A chill ran down my spine. I tried to press my back further into the wall. I needed to get out of here.

“Do you miss me, baby?” His hand crept lower and lower toward my core.

“Please,” I pleaded. “No, please.”

“You’re mine.”

“No!” My body lurched forward in the bed, my skin drenched in sweat. The moonlight streamed into the room, illuminating half of the space.

I looked around the room and saw that I was in our bedroom. My hand came to rest on my racing heart and I let out a few shaky breaths.

You’re okay…you’re okay…

I kept chanting that inside of my head over and over again. My body felt like it had run two full marathons. Every muscle was sore. All I could feel was the ache in my muscles and the creaking of my bones as I peeled the sheets off my body.