Chapter 21 : Protecting Her


I had been anxious to get home to see Dove. She had not responded to any of my texts or calls and I figured that today would be a hard day for her. She was quitting the job that she had loved with everything in her heart all because of that bastard.

When I walked out of the elevator I found her sitting in the kitchen and no Greta in sight. She heard my steps, lifted her gaze from her wine glass, and looked at me.

“Hey.” Her voice was soft and tender. I could see the sanders swimming in her eyes. “How was your day?”

“It was all right.” I came to sit beside her by the island in the center of the space. “I can see that yours put you through the wringer.” I tapped the stem of her wine glass.

“Oh yeah, this…” She gave one humorless laugh that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I needed a little something to take the edge off I guess. It’s been a hard day.”

I hated seeing her like this. So broken…so dejected…so lost.