Chapter 48 : Wrong Guy


It would be an understatement to say it was hard to get out of bed this morning and wave goodbye to Dove as she left for work. After our relaxing day at home just soaking up the feeling of being in each other’s company, and, of course, taking my stunning wife any chance I could, makes it hard to be sitting at my desk right now.

I leaned forward to wrap my hands around the steamy takeout cup of coffee I grabbed on my way to the office and spun in my chair to overlook the New York City skyline. It’s dark and gloomy again today as raindrops slide down the large panels of glass windows.

I would rather be at home wrapped up in my wife than sitting here knowing I have a full day of meetings. I’ve gotten so used to having her in my life that now I can’t picture my future without her. What started as a fake marriage to get my grandfather off my back turned into something I never expected in my wildest dreams.

It seems everything does happen for a reason.