Chapter 61 : In My Hands


Everything after Tristan saved me from Charles and Astrid was a blur.

I remembered my dad showing up and there being a lot of yelling. He was in a complete rage and he let everyone know it. I would have been embarrassed if I hadn’t been so disoriented. I thought at first that I was fine, but that was probably the adrenaline.

Then, I was ushered into a car with Tristan and Solomon drove us to the packhouse, while Charles was driven in another car under heavy observation. Solomon was eerily silent the entire time. I couldn’t tell if he was upset with me or stressed out about the state dad was in. When we arrived there, the healer was waiting.

I kept insisting that I was alright, but she was under strict orders to give me a thorough examination. She examined my eyes and the wounds to my face and head. Finally, she concluded that I likely had a minor concussion, but nothing else seemed serious.