Chapter 22: Uncertain Welcome - Wounds and Revelations

Luo Feng awoke to the sterile white walls of the Guild medical bay. A dull throb pulsed in his arm, a constant reminder of the makeshift force field that had saved them. A figure sat beside him, dozing in an uncomfortable chair. It was Lan, her face streaked with fatigue, a gentle rise and fall of her chest indicating sleep.

A wave of warmth washed over him. He had never felt so grateful for another person's presence. He cleared his throat softly, and Lan's eyes snapped open. Relief flooded her face as she saw him awake.

"Luo Feng! You're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

He winced as he tried to move his arm. "Like I got hit by a space bus. But alive, thanks to you."

A faint blush crept up her cheeks. "It was a team effort. You were the one who saved us all."

Before they could delve deeper into the conversation, the door of the medical bay slid open. A stern-faced woman with a shaved head and a cybernetic arm entered, radiating an air of authority.

"Patient Luo Feng? I am Doctor Anya Petrova, chief medical officer of Guild Outpost Alpha. You've caused quite a stir, young man."

Luo Feng tried to sit up, but Doctor Petrova gently pushed him back onto the bed. "Easy there. You've sustained significant energy depletion and some minor radiation burns. You'll need to rest for a few days."

"What about my crew?" he asked, a flicker of worry flashing in his eyes.

Doctor Petrova's expression softened slightly. "They're being treated for various injuries. Nothing life-threatening, thankfully."

Relief washed over him. "And the ship? Can it be repaired?"

"Our engineers are assessing the damage. It's extensive, but not beyond our capabilities. But repairs will take time."

Doctor Petrova's next words, however, sent a jolt of unease through him. "The Guild Council is anxious to meet with you, Mr. Feng. They're particularly interested in the… technology you acquired from the moon."

Luo Feng exchanged a hesitant glance with Lan. The knowledge they possessed was powerful, potentially dangerous. He knew they couldn't keep it a secret, but he also feared the Guild's intentions.

"We have much to discuss," he said, his voice betraying his apprehension. "Information that could change the course of this war."

Doctor Petrova nodded curtly. "Indeed. Get some rest, Mr. Feng. You'll need your strength for what lies ahead."

With that, she left the medical bay, leaving a heavy silence in her wake. Luo Feng and Lan exchanged worried glances. They were safe for now, but their arrival at the Guild Outpost wasn't just about repairs and recovery. It was the beginning of a new challenge – navigating the political landscape of the Guild and ensuring the knowledge they carried wouldn't be misused.