Getting the Marriage Certificate Today

The street scene outside the car quickly receded. Ye Shengge noticed that since she got into the car, Fu Yushen hadn't looked at the documents again. His well-defined fingers lightly rubbed a not-so-obvious scar on his left wrist, almost like a toothmark.

Sensing her gaze, Fu Yushen casually spoke, hinting at something, "Bitten by a little wild cat that wouldn't behave."

Ye Shengge: "..."

He seemed to recall something and raised an eyebrow playfully. "Sharp teeth, quite fierce."

Ye Shengge: "..."

You're a little wild cat.

You're the one who's fierce.

The toothmark on his wrist was from when they had a quarrel as children, and Ye Shengge had bitten his wrist. She hadn't expected him to remember it so clearly. And did he not use scar removal cream? How come the toothmark was still there? Fu Yushen couldn't possibly resent her every time he saw that toothmark, could he?

Ye Shengge touched her nose, feeling guilty as she looked out at the street scene.

Fu Yushen didn't say anything more and continued to gaze at her fair side profile. He repeatedly touched the toothmark on his wrist with his fingertips, as if he was touching something more than just a toothmark.

Of course, Ye Shengge could feel his gaze on her. The intensity of the gaze made her uncomfortable, so she turned her head without saying anything, intending to tell him not to look at her.

Before she could speak, her eyes met the man's dark and deep gaze.

He raised an eyebrow slightly and spoke with a playful tone, lazily asking, "What's wrong, Shengsheng, want to bite me again?"

Shengsheng... Those words, spoken from the man's lips, sounded quite seductive and had an indescribable charm. Ye Shengge's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Fu Yushen had indeed called her that often when they were children.

Wait a minute, who wanted to bite him now?

Before long, the car arrived at the Fu family estate. The ornate wrought-iron gates slowly opened, and the car drove into the estate.

Ye Shengge looked out of the car window and saw that the estate had an exceptionally elegant landscape. Not far away, there was a vast artificial lake, next to it was a flower garden with rare flowers and plants. In the distance, there were vineyards and orchards. It was much larger than the Ye family's villa.

The car stopped in front of a fountain. Servants from the estate surrounded an elderly man with a cane who was anxiously waiting by the fountain.

The old man had white hair and used a cane, but he still looked spirited, with eyes that had seen the passage of time. Although it had been a long time since they last met, Ye Shengge recognized him at a glance; he was Grandpa Fu.

After getting out of the car, Ye Shengge immediately went forward to greet him, her eyes slightly moist. "Grandpa Fu, hello!"

"Ah! Hello, hello!" Finally seeing her, Grandpa Fu warmly held Ye Shengge's hand. "Shengsheng, Grandpa has been looking forward to seeing you!"

"Grandpa, are you feeling well recently?"

"Don't worry, Grandpa's old bones are still strong!" Grandpa Fu looked at Ye Shengge with affection and pity. "You've lost weight these past two years, but you're still as beautiful as ever!"

Ye Shengge smiled, and her watery eyes curved with her smile. To put it bluntly, she had always been beautiful from a young age, with delicate features and enchanting eyes. Her eyes were clear and pure, like a bright spring under the moonlight, as if all the stars in the sky were reflected in her eyes.

The more Grandpa Fu looked at her, the more he liked her He treated her as if she were his own granddaughter. He gave his cane to a servant and held Ye Shengge's hand with one hand, while holding Fu Yushen's hand with the other. "Hurry, let's go into the living room and talk!"

They entered the living room, and the three of them sat down on the sofa. A servant brought in tea.

Grandpa Fu held Ye Shengge's hand and sighed deeply. "I've been ill for the past few years and had to go abroad for treatment. My condition was on and off, but I finally recovered recently and was able to return."

"But as soon as I returned, I heard that the Ye family had mistreated you. I couldn't rest easy, so I had Yushen go to the Ye family to bring you back."

"Shengsheng, if the Ye family doesn't treat you well, don’t stay with them! From now on, this place will be your home! Grandpa will be your family!"

Feeling the long-lost affection and care, Ye Shengge's nose tingled, and her soft voice was choked with tears. "Grandpa..."

"Good girl, good girl!" Grandpa Fu patted Ye Shengge's hand lovingly. "You've suffered these past two years!"

"By the way, Shengsheng, take a look," Grandpa Fu changed the subject and introduced Ye Shengge, "This is Yushen. You used to play together when you were children, and you used to call him Brother Yushen. Do you remember?"

Brother Yushen... This endearing address was fine when they were kids, but it felt a bit strange now that they had grown up. Ye Shengge politely smiled and nodded slightly.

Fu Yushen sat beside Ye Shengge, his handsome face calm and composed. He lowered his eyelashes and held a white porcelain teacup in his hand, pouring tea for Grandpa Fu. Even this simple action looked exceptionally pleasing when done by him.

Grandpa Fu asked tentatively, "Shengsheng, what do you think of Yushen?"

Ye Shengge was momentarily speechless. What could she think? They hadn't spoken much on the way here, and she guessed Fu Yushen still held a grudge from their previous falling out.

Perfect, because she didn't like him either. Fu Yushen had always seemed to inexplicably target her since they were children, and he was always mad at her.

Before she could answer, Grandpa Fu asked anxiously, "Shengsheng, tell Grandpa quickly, what do you think of Yushen?"

Ye Shengge had no choice but to lower her eyelashes and give a vague answer. "He's... quite good."

Fu Yushen, who had been silent the whole time, heard her response. His eyebrow twitched imperceptibly.

He looked at Ye Shengge; his deep and calm gaze lingering on her for several seconds before shifting away.

Hearing Ye Shengge's answer, Grandpa Fu suddenly beamed with joy. "Good! In that case, why don't you two get things settled today and get your marriage certificate? How about that?"

Ye Shengge was taken aback, and a tint of surprise shone in her beautiful eyes. She hurriedly refused, "Grandpa, that's not a good idea!"

Grandpa Fu didn't seem to mind and suddenly looked sad. "Shengsheng, Grandpa's not in good health, and I might not have much time left... If you and Yushen could settle things now, even when I'm gone, I can rest assured knowing that you have each other..."

"Shengsheng, rest assured, no matter what, the Fu family will be your support in the future, and Yushen will be your reliance!"

Listening to the heartfelt advice from the elderly man, Ye Shengge's refusal got stuck in her throat. She looked to the man beside her, hoping that Fu Yushen would refuse Grandpa's proposal. He must not want to marry her either; he had always been inexplicably hostile towards her, always getting angry at her.

Fu Yushen received Ye Shengge's gaze, put down the tea cup in his hand, and looked at Grandpa Fu with great focus. "Alright, Grandfather, we'll get the certificate today."

Ye Shengge: "???"

What's going on here?!