Having Children with My Wife

Ye Shengge held up her phone screen in front of him, looking bewildered. "What's going on?"

Fu Yushen cast a leisurely glance and replied calmly, "You got drunk, pulled me to take a photo with you, and then insisted on setting it as your wallpaper."

Ye Shengge: "???"

Ye Shengge didn't fall for it. "Impossible!"

Fu Yushen turned his face to reveal the palm print on his cheek. "At first, I didn't believe you'd slap me either."

Ye Shengge suddenly felt guilty. He wouldn't slap himself, so the palm print on his face must have been her doing. And the wallpaper... did she really set it herself?

Ye Shengge licked her rosy lips and said in a soft voice, "I'm sorry for the slap, and for the wallpaper. I must have done it when I was drunk, my mind was not clear at all. I'll change it now!"

With that said, Ye Shengge quickly changed the wallpaper back to its original state.

Fu Yushen narrowed his eyes, looking at her with a hint of hidden meaning.