Ye Huaijin's Heartrending Sobs!

Ye Huaijin blinked incessantly, nervously gazing at the big screen. In the video, he saw Ye Shengge, after untying the ropes, stand up from the chair and walk without hesitation towards the unconscious Ye Huaijin.

She didn't escape on her own. Instead, she intended to take Ye Huaijin with her. Ye Huaijin's eyes welled up with moisture.

How many years had it been since he last cried? But now, as he watched Ye Shengge approaching him in the video, his eyes teared up, and his heart trembled.

Just then, there was another loud explosion outside the house. The building shook, windows shattered, and the chandelier from the ceiling swayed and crashed down.

The direction the chandelier fell was right above Ye Huaijin's head! He was unconscious and couldn't dodge it. If the chandelier hit his head, the consequences would be unthinkable.