Sleeping with Him

As Ye Shengge retreated, Fu Yushen firmly held the back of her head and took the initiative to deepen the kiss. He kissed her assertively and passionately.

Ye Shengge was so dizzy that she couldn't even catch her breath. Her already dizzy mind became even more disoriented at this moment.

When the man finally let go of her, her lips were slightly swollen, her clear eyes were misted with moisture, and a hint of blush appeared at the corners of her eyes. She looked like she had been thoroughly bullied.

The man's hands encircled her waist as he leaned down, affectionately rubbing his nose against hers. "Shengsheng..."

He called her name, and his deep, magnetic voice was tinged with a hint of huskiness, incredibly seductive.

Because the balcony could get windy, Fu Yushen was concerned that she might catch a cold, so he carried her back into the room.

Just as he placed Ye Shengge on the bed, his phone rang. It was a video call from Xu Jinhuan.