The Master of the Chinese Traditional Zither?

Due to an unexpected incident, the program had to temporarily halt its recording and would resume in twenty minutes.

The live audience understood the situation, considering someone had fallen from a horse and needed attention.

After the program paused, Huo Xingyun found himself sitting in the embrace of Ye Shengge, holding his breath with a reddening face.

As a grown man, being rescued by a young lady and still sitting in her lap was quite an image for him.

Ye Shengge, however, seemed even more embarrassed. As soon as the horse stopped, she promptly disentangled herself from Huo Xingyun's grasp.

Song Yaoyao rushed over, breathing heavily. "Shengsheng, are you okay? That was so perilous; it scared me!"

Ye Shengge's heart warmed. "I'm fine, don't worry."

Huo Xingyun, on the other hand, couldn't help but admire Ye Shengge a bit. He had intended to look out for her on the show, as per Xia Shi's request, but the roles seemed to have reversed.