Shengsheng, Can You Hold Me for a While?

Ye Shengge immediately rushed over and saw Fu Yushen being supported by Song Yang. The man had a furrowed brow, was almost unsteady on his feet, and appeared extremely weak and uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Ye Shengge widened her eyes. "Weren't you fine just now?"

"Miss Ye," Song Yang spoke up promptly, "Mr. Fu is feeling unwell. Could you please help him to his room for a moment? I'll notify the family doctor to come."

"...Alright," Ye Shengge reached out to support the man.

Song Yang let go of her hand and quickly left. There was no need for a doctor; with Miss Ye here, she could take care of everything.

Ye Shengge supported Fu Yushen with both hands and observed his complexion. "Why are you suddenly feeling so unwell? Shouldn't you go to the hospital?"

The man looked at her porcelain-like face, shook his head weakly, and said, "No need, just help me back to my room."