Meeting with SG One Week Later

Imperial Wind Entertainment, Xia Shi's office.

Huo Xingyun stared at Ye Shengge, who was sitting on the couch, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Initially, when he asked Ye Shengge to write songs for him, it was a way to boost her popularity using his own fame. But after discovering that Ye Shengge was none other than the renowned SG, Huo Xingyun's attitude underwent a complete transformation. To have SG compose songs for him was an incredible stroke of luck.

Huo Xingyun fixed his gaze on Ye Shengge, the excitement still evident in his eyes. "Actually, it's not just the fans who are curious; I'm curious too. Why would the great SG be willing to write songs for me?"

Ye Shengge raised an eyebrow, about to respond, but Huo Xingyun interrupted with a smug tone, "I got it! It must be because we've been spending time together these past few days, and you were so impressed by me that you decided to write songs for me! It's all thanks to my irresistible charm!"

Ye Shengge: "..."