Shengsheng, Why Are You Holding Me So Tightly?

Ye Shengge glanced somewhat uneasily at Fu Yushen and said, "I'll go take a shower first." After saying that, she took her change of clothes and entered the bathroom.

In truth, this wasn't the first time she had shared a bed with Fu Yushen. The last time was at a vacation resort when she had drunk too much, and she had woken up in his arms the next morning. However, she had been intoxicated then, and now she was sober, which inevitably made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

After finishing her shower and emerging from the bathroom, she saw Fu Yushen standing by the window, engrossed in a phone call related to work. Ye Shengge remained silent, quietly drying her hair with a towel.

As soon as Ye Shengge came out of the bathroom, Fu Yushen sensed it and exchanged a few words with the person on the other end of the line before ending the call. He turned around and saw her intermittently drying her hair. He walked over and picked up the hairdryer. "Let me do it," he offered.