Ye Chenfeng's Face Slap!

Huo Xingyun knew about Ye Chenfeng's shooting skills; he had seen him demonstrate them on variety shows before. His skills were good, and he had attracted quite a few fans with his marksmanship. However, when compared to Ye Shengge, it was clear that Ye Shengge's shooting skills were even higher.

For instance, just now, Ye Shengge had shot a star shape on the target and even the number "2." Her accuracy was to the point where she could hit wherever she wanted. Even if Ye Chenfeng practiced for another fifty years, he wouldn't catch up.

So, in a shooting competition between the two, it was certain that Ye Shengge would win. But would winning allow her to return to the Ye family?

Huo Xingyun glanced at Ye Shengge's expression, noticing her furrowed brow and clear displeasure, and he stepped forward, saying, "No, this bet is too unfair to Ye Shengge."

Xu Jinhuan rolled her eyes dramatically and exclaimed, "Who wants to bet on this miserable stuff with you guys?"