He Is Here, Kick Here

Ye Shengge was caught off guard by the kiss, and her widened pupils reflected her astonishment.

Fu Yushen didn't deepen the kiss but gently brushed her lips. Then he pulled back slightly and lightly grazed her fair, soft cheek with his prominent nose. This intimate gesture between lovers was even more ambiguous than a simple kiss.

Ye Shengge suddenly felt a tingling sensation all over her body. She could feel her heart skip a beat, and her hands instinctively tightened on the sheets. She forgot to blink and just stared straight at the man. Her beautiful eyes shimmered with a watery light, making her already exquisite features even more captivating.

"Fu Yushen, you..." She began to speak but was interrupted as his lips met hers again. This time, it was not a brief touch. He kissed her passionately and fervently, with a hint of possessiveness.