Bankrupting the Ye Family

Upon hearing these words, Xiao Yue was initially taken aback, then filled with joy. "My goodness, you've finally seen the light! You're no longer supporting the Ye Family! The members of the Milan Fashion Association are all international top-notch designers. Last year, to support the Ye Family, you brought their subpar clothing brand into the association, lowering the overall standards of our organization! I truly lamented that!"

Ye Shengge pursed her lips. Back then, she had been wholeheartedly striving to support the Ye Family, but the result had been like a farmer raising a snake.

Xiao Yue, still concerned, asked repeatedly, "Have you thought this through? The Milan Fashion Association, the highest echelon in the fashion industry, is officially expelling the Ye Family. It's like issuing a challenge to the entire industry, signaling that the Ye Family brand is being penalized. Won't you regret this?"