Fu Yushen Learns about the Alias

Fu Yushen was already accustomed to his noisy presence. He walked into the living room and sat on the sofa without even lifting his eyelids. "What news?"

Xu Jinhuan took out her phone and raised the screen. "It's about Shengsheng's news!"

The air of indifference on Fu Yushen's face dissipated the moment he heard the name Ye Shengge. He immediately looked up.

Xu Jinhuan found a video online, clicked to play it, and said, "This was taken by reporters today. My Sister-in-law went to the airport to pick someone up, and that someone was Xiao Yue, the founder of G.Y!"

Xu Jinhuan pointed at the video showing Ye Shengge and Xiao Yue at the airport, and the gossip within her surged:

"How does Shengsheng know someone like Xiao Yue? And why did she especially go to the airport to pick him up? Xiao Yue even said that Shengsheng is his goddess, and he seemed very protective of her. It seems like they've known each other for a long time, and their relationship is quite special…"