Shengsheng, Please...

Ironically, this was the first time she had heard such an address without any negative connotations from her mother. In the past, Bai Xiuyue either called her by her full name or cursed her as a wretched girl or a troublemaker.

Ye Shengge had originally wanted to ignore Bai Xiuyue completely, but now she was somewhat interested. She signaled to Xu Jinhuan and Xiao Yue and walked to the side of the fountain.

The sun was setting, and its golden rays spilled over as if sprinkling shimmering diamonds on the water of the fountain. The scene was incredibly beautiful.

However, Ye Shengge didn't appreciate the view. She spoke with a cold tone, "What do you want?"

Bai Xiuyue nervously pinched her handbag. She had never lowered herself in front of her daughter like this before. After hesitating for a few seconds, she spoke with a bitter voice, "Shengsheng, your elder brother and younger sister..."