Beg Her to Rub Him More

Ye Shengge awkwardly touched her nose, feeling that this topic was embarrassing. She blinked sincerely and said, "No, I think you must have misheard about that person with an unusual identity."

Fu Yushen didn't believe her. He stared at her silently, his eyes carrying an invisible sense of intrusion.

The standoff lasted for less than three seconds.

Ye Shengge surrendered and drooped her head, looking dejected. "Okay, fine, there is someone. But I have no relationship with that person now."

Fu Yushen narrowed his eyes. "So, you had a relationship with that person before?"

Ye Shengge hesitated. "..."

Why is my brother so good at getting to the point?

As soon as she heard "had a relationship with that person before," she instantly recalled some memories she'd rather not bring up. Her expression became somewhat awkward. "Let's not talk about it. The past doesn't matter. Anyway, I have no connection with that person now."