Countdown to the Exposure of the Fake Identity!

As soon as the unique 'Qian' character mark appeared, the reporters in the banquet hall immediately rushed toward Ye Shanshan, bombarding her with sharp questions.

"Ye Shanshan, you claimed that you designed this blue velvet fishtail dress, yet it bears Qianshu's 'Qian' character mark. How do you explain this?"

"Ye Shanshan, Xiao Yue accuses you of stealing Qianshu's design drafts. Will you dare to respond? Will you admit it?"

At this moment, Ye Shanshan's mind was in turmoil, and her face had lost all color. She felt as though she was trapped in an icy abyss, surrounded by a bone-chilling coldness that seemed to emanate from her very core.

What was going on? Why was there a 'Qian' character mark on the glove?

She was at a loss for words, and cold sweat began to form on her back.