The True Identity of Ye Shengge?

The butler was taken aback by the man's words and hurriedly tried to stop him, "Second Young Master, your legs..."

The butler looked at the man's legs as he sat in the wheelchair, his eyes filled with sorrow. "Last month, the eldest young master wanted to send you to manage the branch office in Africa, but unfortunately, you had an accident and broke your leg. You've been resting in the wheelchair for a month, and it hasn't healed yet."

"As the saying goes, a hundred days for mending bones. Your leg is not fully recovered, and if you go to China in person, it might worsen your injury."

The man raised his hand to stop the butler from continuing, "My legs are not important."

His sister was the most important thing.

His sister was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, the family's only daughter, and the apple of everyone's eye. Yet, she had gone missing at a young age.