The Embrace Amidst the Crowd

However, before announcing anything, the host smiled and asked Ye Shengge a question.

"Ye Shengge, Mr. Fu just mentioned that he is your devoted fan. How do you feel about that?"

Ye Shengge sighed inwardly. Feelings? Right now, she just wanted to have a private conversation with Fu Yushen about this matter.

But in front of so many people, she couldn't respond that way. Her gaze lingered briefly on Fu Yushen before she replied, "I'm very surprised and honored."

Upon hearing this, Fu Yushen subtly raised an eyebrow.

The audience below understood Ye Shengge's response perfectly. It would be strange if she wasn't surprised! Even the spectators, let alone the person involved, had their emotions rollercoastering when they heard that Fu Yushen was a fan of Ye Shengge.