Darling, Why Run Away When You See Me?

Ye Shengge looked at Pei Jihan, about to say something.

Pei Yanxing spoke first, "Shengsheng since we're friends, and we see our friend being bullied, how can we not help?"

Ye Shengge replied, "Thank you."

She could handle Ye Lingxiao on her own, but being cared for by her friends warmed her heart uncontrollably.

Upon hearing Pei Jihan's words, Song Yaoyao watched the group of bodyguards approaching Ye Lingxiao. Her heart tightened, and she moved her lips but didn't say anything.

Originally, Pei Jihan and Pei Yanxing had wanted to have a nice meal with Ye Shengge. However, after the commotion caused by Ye Lingxiao, Ye Shengge was in no mood and went straight back to the hotel.

"Little Shengsheng, are you..." Xu Jinhuan followed Ye Shengge, asking with concern, "Are you okay now?"

"I'm fine," Ye Shengge glanced at him, "But you, don't get into fights so easily in the future. What if someone beats you up? How would I explain to your brother?"