Shall I Help You Get Rid of Him?

Ye Shengge asked impatiently, "Why did you bring me here?"

The man bent slightly at the waist, his gaze level with hers, and a seemingly ambiguous smile played on his peach blossom eyes. "To be your mistress, of course."


Ye Shengge took a step back, creating some distance between them.

The man glanced leisurely at her retreating legs. "Darling, your evasive actions are hurting me a bit."

Rolling her eyes, Ye Shengge took another step back.

He smirked inexplicably and suddenly lifted his leg, closing the distance between them. His dark eyes stared at her intently, his gaze both ominous and alluring. "Trying to hide? Can you escape?"

His voice was low and carried a hint of danger, as well as an ambiguous sensuality.

"Shen Wang!" Ye Shengge called his name, cursing him silently. Once again, she distanced herself from him. "Tell me the truth. You didn't look for me in the past few days, so why did you suddenly come to find me today?"