Our Little Secrets

Fu Yushen saw Ye Shengge running towards him, and his pupils suddenly contracted, his gaze darker than ever before.

He hadn't expected Ye Shengge to run towards him without hesitation, almost eagerly. After all, Shen Wang was not an ordinary pursuer for her, and they had an unusual history together.

Fu Yushen instinctively raised his hand to catch Ye Shengge as she ran towards him. He carefully examined her from head to toe, making sure she was unharmed, and only then did his worries dissipate.

"The gunshot just now..." he furrowed his brows slightly.

"I shot a vase in the study with the gun earlier. He wanted to keep me in the study, so I took the opportunity to run out. As soon as I ran out, I heard him saying that I didn't want to go with you. It's fake. Don't listen to his nonsense," Ye Shengge explained quickly, her speech rapid and breathless.

From a distance.