The Dazzling Appearance of the Second Brother

"The ketone bodies test positive, She suffers severe hunger and severe malnutrition."

The young man, dressed in white trousers and a shirt, sported a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his prominent nose.

His handsome appearance seemed as if a heavenly deity had descended.

He was Qin Yanyi, the second master of the Qin family and Ann's second brother.

He specialized in medicine and, at the young age of nineteen, was already a top-notch doctor.

Qin Haochen, who was only twenty-seven years old, had only one biological daughter, Ann, while his other sons were the biological children of Qin Haochen's eldest and second brother.

Unable to bear the fact that his children were left orphaned shortly after birth, Old Master Qin had them all registered under Qin Haochen's household, recognizing him as their daddy.

When Qin Yanyi received a call from He Yan.

He initially thought he had misheard.

His younger sister, Ann, had disappeared for a whole three years after the kidnapping case, with no news whatsoever.

Qin Yanyi's first thought was to have a DNA test done on his "sister" as soon as he returned home, to ensure she wasn't an imposter.

After all, in this day and age, there were plenty of fake heiresses and stand-ins!

However, upon seeing Ann, Qin Yanyi immediately slapped himself mentally.

She was definitely his sister! Rather he would blind himself with his own surgical knife!

Qin Yanyi's expression turned grave, his voice tinged with unbearable anger.

"Ann is already three and a half years old and weighs less than twenty jin!"

He was considered the most gentle one in the Qin family, but at this moment, his ferocity was fully revealed.

"Dad, I'm skilled with my surgical knife. I'll go and deal with that so-called Director!"

"Wouldn't that be letting him off too easily?"

Qin Haochen's tone was cold, and a chilling intent flickered in his deep gaze.

"For what Ann has endured, I want him to pay back a thousandfold."

On the King Size princess bed, the little one of joy occupied only a small portion, with thin hands resting on a temperature-controlled hand warmer, having just finished receiving two bags of nutrients.

Her long, curled eyelashes trembled gently as Ann slowly opened her round eyes, her dark and bright pupils gazing around in confusion at the unfamiliar surroundings.

The beautiful lace curtains on the French windows were drawn, blocking most of the midday sunlight.

Above the windows hung adorable wind chimes that tinkled softly with the breeze.

The walls were painted in a dreamy shade of light purple, and adorned with valuable paintings by renowned artists.

Several seemingly work-related or family photos were also hung around.

The bed was large, with lace-edged sheets and a quilt covered in a pink duvet.

Many cute plush dolls were placed on the bed.

The entire room was adorned with a light and romantic purple color scheme, exuding a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

Ann looked bewildered, wondering if she was in heaven.

The room in the orphanage was small, with four bunk beds accommodating over a dozen children.

But this room was super spacious and incredibly beautiful.

As if sensing something, Qin Haochen, who was standing outside the bedroom, suddenly turned his head and saw the little one of joy, who had been asleep, now awake.

He quickly walked into the room and approached the bed.

Afraid of startling the just-awakened little one of joy, Qin Haochen's lips curved into a gentle smile as he softly called out, "Ann."

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Ann blinked slightly and slowly turned her head to look over: It's the handsome uncle!

"Handsome uncle, have you also come to heaven?"

Her soft and sweet voice carried a pure curiosity as her watery round eyes looked at the handsome uncle.

Qin Haochen first smiled, then gently touched her little face with the palm of his hand.

"Ann, this isn't heaven, it's your home."

"Ann's… home?"

Ann blinked her round eyes, surprised to learn that she had a home.

Her home, was it really this big and beautiful?

"And, Ann..."

Qin Haochen's voice suddenly turned serious as he emphasized, "If you call me handsome uncle again, I'll get angry."

Ann immediately became nervous, shaking her little head.

"Don't get angry."

Qin Haochen patiently guided her, "Then what should you call me?"

Ann was uncertain, but mostly in disbelief. Qin Haochen took out a household register and flipped to the last page, pointing it out to the little one of joy.

"Ann, look, this is your name, Qin Sui'an. Mom and Dad hope you'll be safe and sound every year."

She widened her round eyes and earnestly looked at it for a while.

In a defeated tone, she said in her soft voice, "I can't understand…"

Qin Haochen chuckled softly, patting her little head.

"It's okay. You'll understand once you learn to read in the future."

Ann tilted her little face, looking at him, summoning her courage, and whispered, "Daddy."

Qin Haochen bent down, leaning closer to her, his gentle gaze encouraging her to call out again, bravely and confidently.

Ann felt as if her entire petite body was floating in mid-air, her heart pounding.

A smile unconsciously formed at the corner of her mouth as she called out in a sweet and loud voice, "Daddy!"

His two dimples, sweet and soft, combined with his bright round eyes and adorable voice, made Qin Haochen burst into laughter uncontrollably.

Eagerly, he opened his arms cautiously and gently embraced the little one of joy. "Good girl, Ann, Daddy's little treasure."

Ann nestled in his embrace, feeling like she was in a dream.

This moment had been long-awaited, as she had thought she would forever remain in the orphanage, referred to as the motherless and fatherless little girl by the director until her death.

But now, she had a daddy!

Suddenly, she lifted her head, her round eyes filled with anticipation. "Daddy, what about my mommy?"

"Your mommy, she…" Qin Haochen couldn't bring himself to say certain things when he met her bright and hopeful gaze.

His wife had been seriously injured in the kidnapping case and had not yet regained consciousness.

Just then, footsteps could be heard outside the bedroom, accompanied by a male voice. "Dad! I've prepared some light food."

Upon hearing the unfamiliar voice, Qin Sui'an became extremely frightened and instinctively buried her face in her daddy's embrace, as if by doing so, the stranger wouldn't be able to see her.

"Don't be afraid, Ann."

Qin Haochen's eyes flickered with tenderness as he quickly comforted her, gently patting the little one's back.

Then, he furrowed his brow and glared at Qin Yanyi, who entered the bedroom. "Yanyi, you scared Ann."

Qin Yanyi's footsteps abruptly halted, and he responded with confusion, "Me?"

But when he saw the little one hiding in his dad's embrace, Qin Yanyi immediately admitted his mistake, lowering his voice and reflecting earnestly, "Sorry, I spoke too loudly just now."

He slowly approached the bed.

At this moment, Qin Sui'an was still hiding in her dad's embrace, and Qin Yanyi could only see the round back of her head.

He cleared his throat and spoke softly, his voice gentle.

"Ann, I am your second brother, Qin Yanyi."

Qin Sui'an slowly turned her little head, her round, big eyes curious yet guarded as she looked at the person claiming to be her second brother.

In her eyes, her second brother, dressed in all white, was incredibly handsome. He looked just like an angel.

She knew that angels were nice, so her second brother couldn't be a bad person.

With this thought in mind, Qin Sui'an softly and tenderly called out, "Second Brother…"

Upon hearing her sweet little voice, Qin Yanyi felt as if he was floating.

Ann hadn't learned to speak yet and had been kidnapped and missing. Qin Yanyi had been waiting for this moment, the moment she would call him "second brother" for over three years.

Qin Yanyi's heart was filled with excitement, but he tried his best to remain calm, so as not to startle the little one.

Seeing that the little one finally dared to look at him, Qin Yanyi extended the tray he was holding slightly forward.

"Ann, are you hungry?"

Ann's little tummy seemed to understand his words and immediately growled.

She blushed and shyly covered her small belly, nodding her head slightly.

"Second Brother, Ann is a little hungry."

Her bright round eyes couldn't help but fixate on the delicious food on the tray, her mouth watering.

The director scolded her every day for eating too much and didn't give her enough food, but she actually didn't eat much and often went hungry.