A Bit Painful

With no children and no property to divide, it took less than ten minutes for Yun Qingqing to complete the divorce procedures with Lu Yanchen.

As she left the civil affairs bureau, Yun Qingqing looked at the divorce certificate in her hand and breathed a sigh of relief. Dealing with an arrogant and ego man like Lu Yanchen, the strategy of provocation was quite effective.

Suddenly, the man's chilling voice sounded in her ear.

"Yun Qingqing, within three days, you'll beg me to remarry you."

Without hesitation, Yun Qingqing replied with just one words.


Without arguing further, the man merely curled his lips coldly, then got into his luxury car and drove away.

Yun Qingqing chuckled softly and spoke firmly in the direction the car had disappeared.

"Lu Yanchen, the water that got into my brain has now turned into tears. Even if you offered me a billion cash, I wouldn't beg you to remarry me!"

Yun Qingqing briskly walked away and quickly hailed a taxi to go to Bai An'ning's house.

Coincidentally, their mutual friend, Qiao Fanxing, had gone to H City for a film shoot, so Yun Qingqing could temporarily stay in Qiao Fanxing's room until she found a job.

Yun Qingqing had graduated from a music college, and before her marriage to Lu Yanchen, she had formed a band with a few friends where she was the lead singer. However, after marrying Lu Yanchen, her band had disbanded.

She couldn't bear to reminisce, and she knew it was impossible to continue pursuing her musical dreams now. Not only did it not make money, but it also costed a lot of money.

Fortunately, she was skilled at playing the piano and had a grade ten certificate.

After Yun Qingqing organized information about piano training institutions and job listings at music schools, it was already 2 AM.

But she couldn't sleep; the pressure was immense, and she felt extremely anxious. She was afraid she wouldn't find a job and would have to beg Lu Yanchen to remarry her and end with donating her kidney to Wen Wan.

In these challenging times, Yun Qingqing was grateful to friends like Bai An'ning and Qiao Fanxing. One was there to support her, while the other offered her a place to stay, clothes, and makeup, and most importantly, both were willing to lend her money unconditionally.

Although Qiao Fanxing was only a D-list actress who didn't earn much and spent even more, Yun Qingqing was deeply touched by her willingness to help.

It was Bai An'ning and Qiao Fanxing who gave Yun Qingqing the confidence to believe that as long as she worked hard and wasn't afraid of hardship, everything would eventually get better.

However, cruel reality dealt Yun Qingqing a heavy blow. The training institutions and music schools she had contacted initially seemed interested, but as soon as they heard her name, Yun Qingqing, they immediately rejected her.

This was very strange. Finally, the owner of a music school gently hinted at her, wondering if she had offended someone influential.

Furious, Yun Qingqing rode Qiao Fanxing's electric scooter as fast as it could go.

"Lu Yanchen, you bastard, just wait."


At a turn, Yun Qingqing didn't have time to slow down and crashed into a black car.

She tumbled to the ground along with her scooter, and as she looked up, she saw the brand emblem on the car.

Oh no, it's a Rolls-Royce.

Even if she sold both of her kidneys, she probably couldn't afford to pay for this!


She didn't catch what the man said as Yun Qingqing was too busy examining the man standing in front of her.

Black trousers, a black shirt, a sharply chiseled face...

She blinked several times in disbelief. Was she hallucinating ?

Sheng Ting bent down slightly, and his deep, piercing gaze seemed to imprint itself on Yun Qingqing's face.

How was this possible?

Was he imagining things due to missing Qiao too much?

Staring at the man's face up close, Yun Qingqing was sure she wasn't mistaken.

She believed it.

When one door closed on her, another would open. If not, how could she have so coincidentally collided with the arch-nemesis of Lu Yanchen, the elegant and prestigious Seventh Young Master of the Sheng family?

Yun Qingqing's eyes sparkled, and her lips curled upward.

The enemy of her enemy was her friend.

Sheng Ting pressed his temple rather forcefully, compelling himself to avert his gaze from Yun Qingqing's face. The timbre of his voice was deep and husky as he spoke, "I'll take you to the hospital."

Yun Qingqing grasped Sheng Ting's arm and got up from the ground. "No need, I'm fine, just a minor surface injury."

Luckily, the other party hadn't been driving too fast; otherwise, Yun Qingqing might already be flat on the ground. Without immediately releasing her grip, Yun Qingqing, her face adorned with a smile, asked the man, "Are you must the Seventh Master Sheng?"

Yun Qingqing's small hand was a bit dirty, but Sheng Ting, who had always been fastidious, didn't roughly shake her hand. He nodded slightly and inquired, "Are you sure that you don't need to go to the hospital?"

"Yes." She let go of his arm, steadying herself.

She inspected the scratches on the luxury car, and then, her bright, watery eyes sparkled with mischief. She raised her red lips slightly and spoke earnestly, "Seventh Master Sheng, is your company in need of personnel? I can make installment payments for the car repairs, deducting them directly from my salary."

As the arch-nemesis of Lu Yanchen, Sheng Ting would certainly not refrain from hiring her because of Lu Yanchen.

Caught in the sharp, penetrating gaze of Sheng Ting, Yun Qingqing felt a bit flustered but remained steadfast. She desperately needed a job at the moment.

Without responding to Yun Qingqing's words, Sheng Ting turned to the man beside him and said, "You handle this."

"Of course, Seventh Master Sheng."

Although he answered, at this moment, Xulun was staring at Yun Qingqing with a dazed expression.

In broad daylight, it was unbelievable. This girl in front of him looked exactly like Miss Shen Qiao, Shen Xiao's sister.

Ignoring the fallen electric scooter, Yun Qingqing anxiously watched Sheng Ting. The man's deep, resonant voice, rich and magnetic, resonated in her ear.

"Can you walk on your own?" Sheng Ting asked.

Yun Qingqing quickly nodded, "Yes."

She hurriedly took a step, her knees a little sore, but she could manage it. When she saw Sheng Ting open the passenger door, Yun Qingqing quickened her pace.

Her previous opinion of Sheng Ting, as described by Lu Yanchen, was full of cunning, ruthless methods, and unscrupulousness. She had actually believed it, showing how terrifying love could be. It was clear that Lu Yanchen was the one truly skilled in ruthless tactics.

After thanking him politely, Yun Qingqing got into the car. She felt that Sheng Ting was a polite man who wouldn't harm her. Besides, she was the one who had crashed into his car and should bear full responsibility.

The car started moving slowly, and Yun Qingqing felt somewhat embarrassed for having Sheng Ting, the Seventh Master Sheng, act as her chauffeur. But considering her recent accident, he probably wouldn't dare to ride in a car she drove.

Gazing at the man's profile, Yun Qingqing cleared her throat with difficulty. "Seventh Master Sheng, where are we headed?"