Proactive and Enthusiastic

As Zhao Congrong tidied up the documents on Yun Qingqing's desk, she was crying pitifully. This had genuinely frightened Yun Qingqing, prompting her to hurriedly approach. Out of breath, she asked, "Secretary Zhao, did I mess up the documents, causing the CEO to scold you?"

Upon hearing Yun Qingqing's words, Zhao Congrong became even more upset. After organizing the documents and holding them close, Zhao Congrong simply shot Yun Qingqing a resentful look and left without saying a word.

This left Yun Qingqing perplexed. What had happened? After some hesitation, she approached the CEO's office door and lightly knocked. After receiving Sheng Ting's permission, she nervously pushed the door open.

Approaching the desk, Yun Qingqing tightly clasped her hands together. Sheng Ting's cold gaze remained fixed on the computer screen, and he didn't look at her. With great difficulty, Yun Qingqing found her voice and said, "CEO, those documents were organized by me, not Secretary Zhao. If there are any issues, please let me know, and I will correct them."

As long as she wasn't fired, she didn't mind being scolded. Besides, she believed she would not cry for this.

Without looking at Yun Qingqing, Sheng Ting's tone was indifferent. "Where's my coffee?"

Yun Qingqing's eyes widened, and she managed to speak. "CEO, I'll make your coffee right away."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yun Qingqing had already left the CEO's office. Not daring to show any negligence, she quickly prepared a cup of the CEO's notoriously bitter coffee and placed it steadily on his desk.

She stood upright, anxiously awaiting the CEO's judgment. However, Sheng Ting hadn't even taken a sip of his coffee when Xu Lin came to remind him that it was time for the meeting.

Without needing to organize the documents, Yun Qingqing proactively and enthusiastically said to Sheng Ting, "CEO, I will take notes during the meeting."

Seeing her like this, Sheng Ting made a nonchalant sound of agreement. He then entered the meeting room.

In the meeting room, Yun Qingqing didn't show any signs of unease. She took her seat next to Sheng Ting and noticed the curious glances from others, but she responded with polite smiles. With the CEO present, no one dared to gossip openly.

The meeting, however, was extremely frustrating. They needed to outline a major project proposal in an extremely short time. While Yun Qingqing didn't fully understand the details, she diligently recorded everything, making sure not to slack off.

Her own qualifications were far from fitting the role of a CEO's secretary, so she knew she had to work exceptionally hard to meet the demands of the job.

However, Yun Qingqing didn't anticipate that this meeting would last from 10:30 in the morning until 1:30 in the afternoon. She was hungry, and her hands were sore, but she dared not complain.

Through this meeting, Yun Qingqing gained a new understanding of Sheng Ting. Bai An'ning was right; he was far from being a warm-hearted person. During the meeting, the executives and directors were on the brink of tears, thanks to his scolding. The key was that Sheng Ting scolded them logically and without using a single foul word.

Yun Qingqing cautiously asked, "CEO, may I present the meeting notes I've taken? Would you please review them?"

Taking the notes, Mr. Sheng seriously reviewed them. Just as Yun Qingqing was trembling and mentally preparing herself for criticism, Mr. Sheng unexpectedly asked her a question, "Are you hungry?"

Without even thinking, Yun Qingqing immediately replied, "Not at all."

The CEO hadn't eaten yet, so she couldn't possibly complain about hunger.

Rising from his chair, Sheng Ting walked toward a tea table. "I'd like to hear the truth."

Looking up at Sheng Ting's deep and penetrating gaze, Yun Qingqing swallowed hard. "Well, maybe a little hungry."

The man nodded slightly and said, "Yes, don't lie to me anymore."

Under the deep gaze of Sheng Ting, Yun Qingqing swallowed nervously and replied sincerely, "Okay, CEO."

As the man took a step toward the coffee table, Yun Qingqing began to relax slightly. Suddenly, she took a brisk step forward and said, "CEO, I can serve you. Please have a seat."

It was takeout from "Yaxiangyuan," where she and Bai An'ning had eaten a few times before. The food was delicious but quite expensive.

After carefully unpacking the dishes and lifting the lids, Yun Qingqing spoke softly, "CEO, if there's nothing else, I'll leave you to your meal. I won't disturb your dinner."

Without agreeing to her departure, Sheng Ting handed her a pair of chopsticks and asked, "What's wrong? Don't you like these dishes?"

There was sweet and sour fish, hot and sour beef, taro spare ribs... How could Yun Qingqing not like them?

Yun Qingqing's cheeks reddened slightly as she replied, "I like them."

"Take a seat. Let's eat together."

Although the man spoke softly, his tone made it clear that he expected no refusal.

Taking the proffered chopsticks, Yun Qingqing's heart raced as she continued to eat gracefully. Although she had controlled herself well, Yun Qingqing noticed that Sheng Ting had an even smaller appetite.

"Are you on a diet?"

Shouldn't Yun Qingqing be the one asking that question?

After Sheng Ting put down his chopsticks, Yun Qingqing followed suit and put hers down. Sheng Ting stood up and walked into the lounge without giving her a chance to speak.

"Wasting food is bad. You'll have to finish what's left," Sheng Ting said in a voice that wasn't loud but made it clear that there was no room for disagreement.

Yun Qingqing: "..."

She never would have imagined that the CEO's way of punishing her would be like this. Fortunately, she didn't have a small appetite.

Picking up her chopsticks again, Yun Qingqing continued to eat enthusiastically.

It was so delicious!

Sitting on the black sofa in the lounge, Sheng Ting gently curved his lips as he watched Yun Qingqing eat. He seemed to have a slightly better appetite now.

Finally, Sheng Ting's gaze fell on the box of celery shrimp. Yun Qingqing hadn't touched it.

His joints tightened into a fist, and Sheng Ting muttered softly, "Qiao..."

Her large watery eyes quickly surveyed the entire office to make sure no one else was present. Satisfied that no one was around, Yun Qingqing efficiently packed everything up. Some items she couldn't eat, including the box of barely touched celery shrimp.

She didn't like celery and couldn't stand its taste.

Yun Qingqing had a habit of taking a nap, but she knew she had to change it. When she heard Xu Lin remind Sheng Ting that it was time to leave for the bid presentation, she immediately packed up her things.

Once they were in the car, Yun Qingqing noticed that Sheng Ting was closing his eyes to rest. She had originally wanted to ask Sheng Ting if there was anything she could assist with at the bid presentation, but now she wisely remained silent, adhering to Bai An'ning's advice: "Speak less, listen more, observe more, and think more."

As soon as the car stopped at the Public Resource Trading Center, Yun Qingqing quickly got out and opened the car door for Sheng Ting. Her speed was unmatched, even compared to Xu Lin.

Coincidentally, Yun Qingqing's proactive and enthusiastic gesture was witnessed by Lu Yanchen's disdainful eyes. He stepped out of his car, which had arrived slightly earlier than Sheng Ting's, and approached Yun Qingqing.

Being mindful of the CEO, she cautiously helped him out of the car, and when she looked up, she was met with Lu Yanchen's gloomy expression, making her feel somewhat startled.