So Warm

A man in a white coat and a mask, holding a knife, had already cut into the location of Yun Qingqing's kidney.

Her gaze became sharp and determined. She thought that it must be because Lu Yanchen had seen that she had the support of Sheng Ting, and he thought she wouldn't agree to donate her kidney to Wen Wan, so Lu Yanchen had someone knock her out and was planning to take her kidney directly.

No, she absolutely couldn't give her kidney to Wen Wan.

Perhaps Yun Qingqing's gaze was too penetrating, as the man in the mask paused in his actions and looked up at her.

"Hey, you woke up. It seems this anesthetic isn't very effective!"

Having quickly surveyed the surroundings, Yun Qingqing realized she wasn't in a hospital but in an abandoned warehouse.

Lu Yanchen was ruthless, making someone take her kidney in such a harsh environment and using an irregular anesthetic on her.

Without chitchatting with the masked man, Yun Qingqing struggled to sit up while grabbing an IV bottle nearby and smashing it fiercely onto the masked man's head. He had never expected Yun Qingqing to be so predatory.

After smashing the IV bottle, Yun Qingqing didn't waste any time and quickly left the rusty iron bed. She felt dizzy, but she dared not stop. She only had one thought in her mind: to escape from here and save her kidney.

After great effort, she finally managed to open the warehouse door. However, as her foot was about to step outside, someone grabbed her.

Seeing the masked man covered in blood, Yun Qingqing didn't scream; she just froze for a second and then bit down hard on her lip before kicking the masked man in that vulnerable area. Not only did he let go of her hand, but he also bent over in pain.

Yun Qingqing didn't wait for him to regain his balance and immediately rushed out of the warehouse. She walked for quite a while, and when she felt she could no longer go on, she saw a single-story house with its lights on.

Leaning against the door, she weakly raised her hand and knocked on the door with all her might. She needed to seek help from someone, or else if she was captured again, her kidney would surely be gone by the time she woke up.

Hadn't her luck turned around? The heavens should favor her this time.

While knocking on the door, which was already causing her hand to throb painfully, the door suddenly opened.

It was an elderly woman wearing hearing aids. She had just heard the knocking on the door.

Without any hesitation, Yun Qingqing fell into the room. However, she didn't feel pain; instead, she managed to smile.

"Grandma, please shut the door quickly."

The elderly woman couldn't hear Yun Qingqing's words clearly, but she understood her request and immediately closed the door.

Relieved, Yun Qingqing struggled to sit up from the floor. She didn't want to scare the elderly woman by lying on the ground.

"Little girl, are you injured? Let me call an ambulance for you."

Looking at the elderly woman's old-fashioned cellphone, Yun Qingqing, who was not adept at using it, said weakly, "Grandma, can you lend me your phone to make a call?"

The elderly woman kindly handed her the phone. With trembling hands, Yun Qingqing dialed a number that she had memorized like the back of her hand. She was an efficient secretary who had CEO Sheng's phone number memorized by heart.

In such a desperate situation, she only trusted Sheng Ting, whom she had met just a few days ago, to save her. After all, he was Lu Yanchen's archenemy, and he wouldn't help Lu Yanchen.

A deep and comforting voice sounded in Yun Qingqing's ear.

"Mr. Shen, I... I can't hold on much longer. Please come and help me."

"Where are you?"

Yun Qingqing looked at the elderly woman beside her. She smiled, her face pale and pitiful. "Grandma, can you tell my friend where we are?"

The elderly woman sat down next to Yun Qingqing and spoke loudly into the phone, making sure that Sheng Ting could hear her.

"Wait for me."

After hearing Sheng Ting's response, Yun Qingqing returned the phone to the elderly woman. But she couldn't relax just yet. She knew that she had to be awake when Sheng Ting arrived.

The elderly woman brought her a cup of warm water and helped her drink it.

"Thank you, Grandma. I will repay your kindness."

Despite her blurred vision, Yun Qingqing could see her mother, who was smiling at her, so gentle and warm.

After finishing the entire cup of water, Yun Qingqing looked around the room. She strained her eyes to see more clearly. She saw the person she had been waiting for, Sheng Ting. He was as handsome as a god.

Burying her tiny cheek in his chest, Yun Qingqing thought, "So warm." She yearned for this warmth.

Once she was in the car, she leaned against Sheng Ting's chest. When they arrived at the hospital, she still clung to his hand.

The doctor came into the room and was momentarily stunned when he saw the scene before him.

"Is this Shen Qiao? The one you mentioned?"

It wasn't Sheng Ting who responded but Xu Lin, who had come to the hospital with them.

"Doctor Mu, she is Miss Yun Qingqing."

Staring at Yun Qingqing's face for a long time, Mu Mingyu slowly spoke.

"This Miss Yun looks so much like Miss Shen Qiao, doesn't she?"

Xu Lin said, "She does look the same, but they are not the same person."

Receiving Sheng Ting's cold and sharp gaze, Xu Lin left the room, leaving only Sheng Ting and Mu Mingyu inside.

"How is she?"

"Miss Yun is fine. She has only minor external injuries and doesn't need stitches. Once the anesthesia wears off, she'll wake up."


Without leaving the room, Mu Mingyu pondered for a while before he spoke candidly.

"Ting, you are so concerned about Miss Yun because you've mistaken her for Miss Shen Qiao,aren't you?"

Sheng Ting didn't respond heatedly to Mu Mingyu's words. Instead, he tightly held Yun Qingqing's hand.

"She is Qiao."

Mu Mingyu's eyebrows furrowed deeply. "Are you already deceiving yourself?"

"I will find evidence to prove it."

Like Xu Lin, Mu Mingyu also felt helpless.

"Ting, please stay clear-headed. She is not Shen Qiao. How could you possibly find evidence?"

Sheng Ting didn't respond heatedly to Mu Mingyu's words. Instead, he held Yun Qingqing's hand even tighter.

When Yun Qingqing regained consciousness, it was already early morning. She saw her hand tightly clasped with Sheng Ting's hand.

She immediately remembered what had happened before she passed out. Oh god! How could she be so shameless? It was bad enough that she made Sheng Ting come to her rescue, but she even repeatedly offended him. When she met the man's icy gaze, she smiled with a guilty conscience and withdrew her hand.

"I'm sorry, Seventh Master. I... I'll promise you a fancy meal."

Sheng Ting nodded lightly, then got up and headed to the rest room.

With great effort, Yun Qingqing swallowed her saliva, sat up from the hospital bed, and frustratedly ran her fingers through her hair. She had been holding onto Sheng Ting's hand the entire time, not even letting him go to the bathroom. She felt like such a sinner!

Therefore, not only did she have to treat Sheng Ting to a fancy meal, but she also had to prepare a gift for him.

Once the effects of the anesthesia wore off, Yun Qingqing would be able to leave the hospital. However, she didn't go home. Instead, she had Sheng Ting drive the car to the police station.