Forgotten Attire

As an assistant, Xu Lin knew he had overstepped, but he couldn't simply stand by and watch as Sheng Ting's actions grew increasingly bizarre. Without opening his eyes, the stern Sheng Ting inquired in a frigid tone, "Do you also want to go to Africa?"


"Get lost."

Xu Lin indeed exited the vehicle, not in anger but with a sense of helplessness. If time could turn back, he would certainly have taken a different path, avoiding the collision between Yun Qingqing's electric scooter and Sheng Ting's car. Unfortunately, there were no 'ifs.'

Before reaching the staircase, Yun Qingqing spotted Xu Lin and greeted him with a sunny smile. "Assistant Xu, you're so kind, waiting for me here."

Xu Lin accepted the small suitcase from Yun Qingqing and replied, "It's my pleasure, Secretary Yun. Is there anything else you need to bring?"

Yun Qingqing shook her head, saying, "No, everything I own is in this suitcase." When she divorced, she left with nothing.