Fulfilling the Duties of a Wife

Yun Qingqing was replying to urgent emails on her tablet when suddenly Sheng Ting made a move on her. After a few touches, Yun Qingqing withdrew her hand. She thought to herself that a man so outrageously handsome should never go to Yun Chang.

She sat down next to Sheng Ting, her cheeks blushing brightly, and spoke very directly, "I've made up my mind. I want to marry you."

Unsurprised, Sheng Ting didn't look at Yun Qingqing and spoke in a flat tone, "Once the civil affairs bureau is open, we'll go get our marriage certificate."

Yun Qingqing's eyes widened. "Uh, so soon?"

After sending the email, Sheng Ting finally raised his head, his gaze cold. "Haven't you made up your mind yet?"

"No, no, I've made up my mind, I just didn't expect that we'd be getting the certificate so quickly."