You're Not Up to It

Deliberately pausing, Yun Qingqing looked at Lu Yanchen from head to toe with a disdainful gaze. Then, she continued in a cheerful tone, "Unlike you, Mr. Lu, who has been married for two years but still keeps me, a delicate and beautiful wife, in an empty room. I wonder, Mr. Lu, is it that you can't perform, or have you had enough fun outside? If it's the latter, Mr. Lu, you're truly filthy, and you'd better be careful about catching diseases."

Yun Qingqing's words infuriated Lu Yanchen, and his temples throbbed. Especially the fact that Yun Qingqing had admitted, in her own words, that she had been intimate with Sheng Ting. It was like having something that might not be that great, but you had grown accustomed to it being there. Then, one day, someone took it away and used it, and you still didn't think it was that great, but you couldn't help feeling resentful about losing it.