Can't Even Stand Steadily

Even though Yao Shuang was eager to help, Yun Qingqing quickly took the spare rib congee from her. Sheng Ting was so picky that he didn't eat spare ribs at all. If Yao Shuang had directly taken the congee to him, not only would he not eat it, but he might also get angry.

Yun Qingqing politely and distantly said, "Thank you, Secretary Yao, but this is my job."

"It's just delivering congee; Secretary Yun, you don't need to be so polite."

As Yao Shuang spoke, she reached out to take the congee from Yun Qingqing.

Ma Qianmiao stepped in front of Yun Qingqing and looked at Yao Shuang with a stern tone. "You're harming Secretary Yun by doing this."

Yao Shuang became somewhat irritated. "How could I be harming Secretary Yun? I'm helping her and reducing her burden."

To avoid becoming the center of attention in the cafeteria, Yun Qingqing pulled Ma Qianmiao to sit down.

After scanning the surroundings, Yao Shuang also sat down.