The Belt of Opposition

After thoroughly ensuring that there was no one inside the study, Yun Qingqing descended the stairs and entered the living room. She switched on the lights and swiftly surveyed the room. There was no one here except her. The servants and the housekeeper didn't reside in this building, so Yun Qingqing also checked the dining room and kitchen, but there was no sign of Sheng Ting.

As she settled onto the living room's sofa, Yun Qingqing unlocked her phone and dialed Sheng Ting's number. She dialed it three times, but there was no answer. Where on earth had this man gone? In the middle of the night, she had no idea where to search. Frowning deeply, Yun Qingqing couldn't help but wonder if Sheng Ting would return only to inform her that he had gone out for work again at this ungodly hour.

Working at four in the morning truly made it difficult for her not to indulge in idle fantasies. Lying down on the sofa, Yun Qingqing decided to wait for Sheng Ting to return and demand an explanation.