Only for You to See

"Not conservative, just for you to see," the man's voice was slightly husky, making it sound particularly charming and seductive. Yun Qingqing's heart raced uncontrollably. She picked up her purse and held it in front of her defensively. "I won't look! Don't talk nonsense."

With a faint smirk, Mr. Sheng calmly continued, "Last night, not only did you look, but you also kissed..."

Her purse fell once again, and Yun Qingqing used her warm hands to cover the man's mouth. Who allowed Mr. Sheng to speak the truth? She glanced at the driver's seat, and Xu Lin was driving attentively, so he probably didn't hear what Mr. Sheng said.

With a stern expression, she threatened the man, "If you say it again, I won't kiss you ever again."

After hearing Yun Qingqing's threat, Mr. Sheng wasn't intimidated at all. He even kissed the back of her hand. Startled, she immediately pulled her hand back, and her cheeks flushed red.