The Top Idol Turns Out to Be Her Fan

"Bad taste. We're wearing matching outfits," Sheng Ting said softly, but his words were audible to the people around. Especially Yun Chang and Guan Yingying, their smiles froze visibly.

Yun Qingqing's face turned crimson. What a coincidence! Both she and Sheng Ting were wearing casual gray outfits. Hers was a darker gray, while Sheng Ting's was a lighter shade. However, Yun Qingqing hadn't thought of them as a couple in matching outfits. After all, she had been coerced by Sheng Ting, and there had been no time for her to consider coordinating their outfits.

Old Master Sheng chuckled and said, "Wearing matching outfits to attend a family banquet, I find it quite appropriate."

Though raging with anger internally, Yun Chang maintained a sweet and dignified smile as she agreed, "Grandfather is right."