Very Dependent on Him

Looking at what Xin Xia held in her hand, Yun Qingqing's pupils dilated, and she exclaimed with shock on her face, "This is An'ning's phone! How did it end up under the bed?"

Xin Xia wore a serious expression on her face. "Madam, it seems there's something suspicious about this. An'ning's parents may not have told us the truth."

"Yes, they're lying. We need to find out what happened," Yun Qingqing replied with determination.

Yun Qingqing picked up the charger placed next to the pillow and handed it to Xin Xia. After charging the phone with a power bank, as Yun Qingqing had expected, the phone was still functioning; it had simply shut down due to a dead battery.

With cold hands and feet, Yun Qingqing asked, "Xiaxia, what if something has happened to An'ning?"

"Madam, please don't worry. After all, they are An'ning's parents; they shouldn't harm her," Xin Xia comforted her.