Ren -A Registered Host

Ren tried his best to save himself from upcoming troubles.

"What if you are one of them as well? How am I supposed to believe you just like that?"

The few silver flicks of glittery black light started gathering in front of Ren, too small to focus on yet too pretty to ignore.

While the silvery mass kept going through some sort of evolution, Ren heard the now completely childish voice defending itself with all its might.

"We are a small branch of "TIME" called Universal Caretakers who govern this area. You can think of them as a very professional police department."

Ren nodded motioning the system to continue.

"They take care of every time-related crime happening in all the worlds your eyes can see and cannot see right now. If I were one of those rogue systems you claim me to be, I wouldn't be here with you for this long."

So, there is a very professional 'police' department. By the way this little system was focussing on it, Ren was pretty sure that they were definitely not doing a perfect job.

"It has been like what ? Twenty-something minutes??? I still don't believe you, Little One."

The system felt its data shaking a bit.

"Only us, the Good Operating Web Domanians, are given this right to stay in this environment because we deal with souls who are either on the verge of collapse or forcefully torn apart."

The flickering tiny globe of silver-black waves kept dancing in the vicinity, as if pleased with its effort at gathering this great mass all at once

"Please! Believe me! I'll give my all to fulfill my role. I'll even give you discounts….as much as I can."

Ren suddenly felt like he was being very cruel to a child who was not even human, "So, am I about to wither away? Let me be!"

"We absolutely can not. You were going to wither away when half of your soul got reincarnated. You have been here for two thousand and eighty-five years. We finally managed to put your soul together. You have to enjoy your life. Don't you want to live like a prince? Enjoy all the blessings the world has to offer?"

What Prince?

Ren was just talking random nonsense to get away from all the stuff.

Ren honestly didn't know how to react after realizing that he was sleepwalking for so long.

The system meant to tell him that he could have slept peacefully for so long, yet some random part of his soul decided to go on a trip.

"No! Give me my sleep back!!!"

Ignoring Ren's misery over his sleep, which a system like itself could not understand, it continued the persuasion.

"Now that you know, Mr Ren, believe in me, and if you ever encounter something like those rogue systems in the future, kindly report it to us, so we can reboot them."

Ren's frustration over his sleep was still evident in his sarcasm-laced answer.

"Yes, sure. Who knows …I might see them while going grocery shopping."

The system, unable to understand Ren's sarcasm, continued to sell itself, "You are absolutely right. Such incidents have been recorded in recent data. That is why you are lucky that you encountered me this time."

Ren"...." Well OK. I am the stupid one.

Without any suspicion, the system continued, "I cannot turn back time to the beginning where you were robbed of your real parents, but I managed to reach a point in your school years."

"Wait what?! Someone robbed my parents?"

Like money? Robbed parents?

Ren wondered if he had to look for them.

In his last life, Ren lived with his grandmother after his parents separated. To him, parents were nothing but a vague concept.

"Mr. Ren. What I mean is someone stole your right to be born into a rich family with the help of a rogue system, and you were born into a normal family. However, they left you when you were a child."

For a moment, Ren was glad that he wouldn't have to treat some strangers as his parents, but he couldn't understand the dull void in his heart.

His grandmother went on a date with her friends. Ren hoped that she would not be too sad at his death.

To distract his mind he started bickering with the system.

"Hey! What about my promised princely life? I wanna go to sleep and eat without working!"

System"..." Why does the other system's host focus all on important bits, but its host is only worried about sleep and mosquitoes and more sleep?

If Ren can hear the inner monologue of this constantly evolving system, then he will say, 'When did I care about mosquitoes? I would rather go and sleep some more.'

Ren felt like irritating this sales agent-like system a bit more, and started demanding something impossible from it,"If you cannot make me a prince or a king or maybe an angel, I refuse…"

Before he could finish his sentence, he witnessed the birth of a celestial being he would never forget in his entire life.

The silvery ball of light took the shape of a small black cat with two tiny horns on its furry head. The silver flicks covered its body in a strange ancient pattern, making it look even more mysterious than the stories buried deep in the oceans on Earth.

If that wasn't enough, that tiny creature yawned, showing those tiny fangs and the pink tip of its equally small tongue.

Ren has always been a creature of fluff. It took him a Herculean effort to control his overflowing urge to embrace this little cutie.

"*Cough* As I was saying I'll not agre-"

The black creature finally opened its watery oceanic blue eyes and stared at Ren with the utmost sincerity.

Ren couldn't think anymore.

"Mr. Ren, I promise you that I'll definitely make you one of those. So, will you agree with me now?"

Ren's mind only registered the pleading baby voice and those watery eyes and his mind went on a vacation for a few seconds.

When Ren's brain came back from the cyclone of cuteness, he had already signed the documents and became the registered host.

Ren, "....." What happened? Where is this? Who am I?

The system saw its host's forlorn appearance and promised itself to complete this mission with full marks. It is because it wants to make its host happy, not because the system Merylin likes high scorers!

After dying, killing someone and waking up after eternity, Ren's shock membrane has pretty much crashed by now.

After further discussion, Ren confirmed his wild guess. He really was that Nerd, whose loyalty he questioned just a few moments ago.

He, a person who avoids any human regardless of their gender, assaulted someone in his new life.

Ren wasn't ready for this.

The more Ren understood the crimes 'he' committed, the more he was disgusted with himself.

Before he went on self-loathing, a childish voice echoed once again.

"Mr. Ren Jiang, Because of soul swapping at birth, your soul was broken, and in the future, you turned out to be a psychopath. I have reversed the timeline where 'you' are still in school."

The system flicked its ling fluffy tail as it blinked at stupified Ren.

"The heavy crimes committed by 'you' offset the golden aura you earned by saving a few hundred people in your previous life."

This was also something Ren was thinking about. He had so many people living in his neighborhood. He had no idea!

"Whatever you say is right, but when did I save so many people?"

"There was one boy who will become the owner of a company giving work to 100 people at his company and saving their livelihood. The future generation of your neighbors you saved can also be included in this number."

Well, OK! Ren suddenly felt like his life wasn't as meaningless as he thought.

A smile appeared on Ren's face, giving him a soft glow under the radiance of the universe.

The system suddenly understood the reason why higher-ups were so fixated on using Ren to fix this small world. His future host has such a beautiful face that he could bring even kings to their knees.

Ren's blindness prevented him from knowing the fact that he was actually this good-looking.

Ren lost his eyesight soon after finishing college. Even during college, he was oblivious to the flirtatious stares, thanks to his overprotective friends.

The system encouraged itself to do its first task as fast as possible and make its host happy. It was not because he was desperate to grow and update.

It is a very honest system, OK!

"I've relied on all the important points to you. If you agree, I'll help you settle into your new life. All you have to do is fulfill some randomly assigned missions to get the prizes, which will further help you change your destiny."

Ren didn't have an ounce of will to go against this little 'Goodwill Operating Web Domain' cutie.

Ren simply had no way out.

At first, Ren was reluctant to go on with these missions. However, the crimes done by the second 'him' need to be eradicated. Ren has always been a soft-hearted person.

Who would have thought that after his death he would go on adventures like transmigration?

A sigh escaped from his cherry lips and disappeared into the universe never to be heard by anyone.

One might wonder how could Ren accept everything so calmly. Well, he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

He was pretty shaken up by the sudden death and this burden of crimes dumped on his head. However, as an avid reader, in his case, a listener, he was able to put it beside for now.How you ask?

Writers and readers are the people who can accept almost anything.

Is a dog becoming God?OK!

A single person getting love from all the male gods?OK!

A demonic prince appeared out of thin air?OK!

There might be a deadly virus spreading outside, and these people will be like, "Oh, so sad. Let me finish my current book before I die from this deadly disease. Other things can wait."

So, one reader and one system agreed on the upcoming cooperation.

The moment Ren clicked on the 'Transfer Initiate' button, he disappeared into nothingness and so did his peace.

The system, " Don't blame me. I told my host everything… Well maybe ...I left a few things."